Nosilec projekta: Poljanska cesta 26 |
Teater Pozitiv
Plesno gledališka predstava / Physical Theater performance
Hrabri novi svet
Režija in koreografija / Directing and Choreography : Radovan Jaušovec, Gea Erjavec in Miha Maver
Lučno oblikovanje / Light design: Radovan Jaušovec
Vodenje tona / Sound operating: Miha Maver
Scenografija / Set design: Radovan Jaušovec, Miha Maver, Andrej Hribar
Kostumi / Costumography : Damir Rakovič / Studio Ponoreli
Maska /Mask : Gea Erjavec in Sanja Halb
Nastopajo / Performers: Martina Mohorič, Maja Janeš, Sanja Halb, Erik Starc, Aljaž Rudolf, Žan Dolinar, Darja Šenkinc in Nika Vidovič
Izvršni producent / Excecutive producer: Drago Pintarič
Produkcija / Production : KUD Pozitiv in Dijaški dom Ivana Cankarja
Producenta / Producers: Drago Pintarič, Manja Petelin
Projekt je sofinanciran s sredstvi JSRSKD in MOL
Project is supported by public Fund JSKD RS and Municipality of Ljubljana / MOL
O predstavi / SI
Živimo Huxleyev popredmeteni, čustveno hendikepirani, krasni novi svet.
Ideologije, svete knjige, božje zapovedi, zakoni in moralna pravila so »koruptirali«, postali so platforma za družbene prevare, prevlado peščice in predstavljajo tlakovano pot v suženjstvo večine.
Družbena sprememba - novi red in vrednostni sistem - lahko steče samo od posameznika do posameznika, v majhnih skupnostih in povezanih mrežah. Solidarnost, empatija, spoštovanje, sodelovanje …
Mladim »resetirancem«, enakim v uboštvu, je bila dana možnost, da ta svet raziščejo in ga razgalijo. Lotili so se more, da bi jo osvetlili in ji odvzeli moč ter s tem ustvarili prostor za prihodnost in sanje. Za svet, ki jim bo pripadal.
Directing and Choreography: Radovan Jaušovec, Gea Erjavec, Miha Maver
Light design: Radovan Jaušovec
Sound: Miha Maver
Set design: Radovan Jaušovec, Miha Maver, Andrej Hribar
Costumography: Damir Rakovič, Studion Ponoreli
Mask: Gea Erjavec, Sanja Halb
Performers: Martina Mohorič, Maja Janeš, Sanja Halb, Erik Starc, Aljaž Rudolf, Žan Dolinar, Darja Šenkinc , Nika Vidovič
Executive producer: Drago Pintarič
Production: KUD Pozitiv & DIC Dijaški dom Ivana Cankarja
Producers: Drago Pintarič, Manja Petelin
The project is co-funded by JSKD RS and Municipality of Ljubljana /MOL.
Huxley’s emotionally handicapped, objectivized Brave New World is our reality. Ideologies, holly books, God’s commands, laws and morals have become corrupted and have transformed themselves into a platform for social manipulations ruled by only a few individuals. This is a doom for the vast majority of population.
By establishing new world order and setting new moral values the social change is possible only through the change of each individual at a time, knitting bonds among themselves within small, new-grown societies. Solidarity, empathy, mutual respect & cooperation …
Equal in poverty, individuals who managed to set themselves free from this mental slavery have been given a chance to explore what has become. They have entered in this Nightmare in order to take away its power and reveal its misery. They have been given an opportunity to create a brighter future where dreams are still possible – for the world will be theirs’ again.